We are a group of over 50 kayakers led by certified BCU professionals and Our monthly meetups consist of a leisurely paddle focusing on technique and safety and are good fun for all skill levels.
The club accepts all sea kayaks from brands such as Perception, Riot, Zegul, Galaxy and Wavesport as well as top inflatable brands Gumotex and Advanced Elements. Please make sure that your kayak is suitable for the sea and if in any doubt contact us!
All members must have the correct safety items such as:
PFD (Personal Flotation Device)
Bilge Pump
Paddle leash
Spray Skirt (sit-inside kayaks)
Whistle (optional)
Paddle Float (optional)
Waterproof First Aid Bag and Kit (optional)
To be notified of future events join our Facebook group, follow our Facebook page or contact Ryan on Whatsapp (+356 79322092) to add you to our private Whatsapp group.