Roof Box Hinge (Mania/Marathon 320)

Pickup Availability:

(Only 1 unit left in stock!)

1 in stock


Additional Info

All our kayaks and prod­ucts carry a two-year guar­an­tee on any fac­tory de­fects.


We en­cour­age all po­ten­tial kayak buy­ers to come and view the prod­ucts and dis­cuss the many op­tions avail­able.  We have been kayak­ing for over 40 years and can help in any queries you may have.  Don’t get con­fused with hull shapes, rocker, pri­mary sta­bil­ity, or sec­ondary sta­bil­ity as we will ex­plain it all!


We are open daily and on Sat­ur­days. Please send us an email on sales@ritz­ with any ques­tions you may have.