Flite Controller

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Our award-winning, ergonomic Flite Controller provides intuitive control and real-time performance information to the rider.

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Pickup Availability:

(Out of Stock)
  • Series 1
  • Series 2/3

General Info

Flite Con­troller kit in­cludes:
-Flite Con­troller
-Charg­ing Ca­ble
-Wrist Strap


-Vir­tual Gears pro­vide the smoothest pos­si­ble power de­liv­ery.
-Dou­ble the trig­ger range means more pre­ci­sion and con­trol.
-High con­trast dis­play shows a range of so­phis­ti­cated ride teleme­try by col­lect­ing data from GPS, ac­celerom­e­ter, other sen­sors and the state-of-the-art bat­tery man­age­ment sys­tem.