International Interdeck Boat Deck Paint 750ml

A tough, slip resistant deck paint that protects the surface from every day wear and tear. It’s easy to apply, comes in a range of colours and its low sheen finish helps prevent sunlight from reflecting off decks

Good to know

  • Slip-resistant deck paint that’s suitable for all substrates
  • Contains fine mineral additive for hard wearing, non-slip surface
  • Low sheen finish prevents sunlight dazzle
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(Out of Stock)
  • White

General Info

Safety information

The safety datasheet contains detailed information for the current formulation of this product such as hazardous ingredients, first-aid measures, fire-fighting measures, handling and storage. To make sure you have the right datasheet, please find the corresponding colour and formula on your can. The formula is usually on the bottom. We provide safety datasheets for each latest formula.


Download technical datasheet

Contains detailed information on everything from the substances used to the application method.